Discover the Vision of You
that Your Heart already knows
Nature-Based Coaching & Wilderness Rite-of-Passage
Mount Shasta Spiritual Tours & Retreats
Mount Shasta, California
Online Worldwide
What if one thing could change everything?
What if we’ve been trying to fix our minds when they were never really broken?
And what if the only thing your mind has ever been trying to tell you is that it was never meant to lead but to follow;
and to follow what?
Its lost leader​, Your Heart.
Perhaps now, the time has finally come
to turn homeward to your heart's highest vision.

Combining Rite-of-Passage,
Indigenous wisdom teachings,
Intuitive somatic healing,
and guiding soul's back to remembering who we are and what we came here for.
Life Transformation Coach
NLP Master Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist since 2007
Licensed Mount Shasta Wilderness Guide, USFS
Nature-Based Coaching and Rite-of-Passage
Transformational Whole Life Coaching
Working at the Crossroads of Mind & Spirit
From Unstuck...
to Walking the Path of the Awakening Creator...
And Becoming the Legacy you came here to give...
Helping you enter into the new dimension of your life that's been waiting for you for just the right time.
Mount Shasta
Licensed Wilderness Guide - Personal & Group - 1/2 Day to 5 Day
Nature-Based Coaching Intensives, Sacred Place Journeys, Vortex Connections
We are all destined as souls for a special moment -
When all we know and believe is simply dust compared to the vision of what life really is...
It's at that moment that we have a choice:
Keep going back to the way it is, or discover all that we are and are meant to become;
And there begins another soul's Rite-of-Passage into the understanding of what real eternity is - and discovering what our place is within it.

2025 Mount Shasta
Rite-of-Passage Retreats
Enrollment Starting Now!
June 5-9 ... 6-10 person camping rite-of-passage events
June 26-30
July 10-14
Stay informed of future events, send me an email.
or Book Your Own Rite-of-Passage
Personal, Couple or Group
Rite-of-Passage/Wilderness Intensive
Connecting with the Spirit of Nature for personal breakthrough, healing, new vision, inner-growth.

Your soul is both of you and of the world.
The world cannot be full until you become fully yourself
Bill Plotkin - Soulcraft
Trueness is an undivided Wholeness.
It's knowing yourself and being at home inside yourself all the time.
What if having the self-mastery to be the whole YOU and being the most satisfied and successful creative person you can be came down to just one thing: Shifting your life from being one of a mind journey to a heart journey?
Our heart is where our soul lives and our soul is the True Essence of who we are. It already knows that it cannot be separated from either the wildness of nature or from it's place and purpose in the Universe or for coming into the world. That is why Nature and Rite-of-Passage are important elements in discovering our True Selves. They are part of us, coded right into our DNA.
My vision is helping you discover yours - to access the vision of the soul journey we really came here to be and transforming our life into the Legacy our soul came to create, from graduating from the old life to walking the path of a powerful creator living from your heart.
Are your ready to give your heart what it really wants?
All it wants is You.
Call or write today for a free 30-minute coaching consultation.

Planning your own group retreat for Mount Shasta?
Retreat Leaders & Groups Wilderness Guide
Co-Facilitating, Teaching, Ceremony, Out-of-the-Way Magical Places
Permitted/Insured Shasta-Trinity National Forest Wilderness Guide
Helping you plan and facilitate a memorable retreat or workshop to compliment your leadership and group
With more than 12 years exploring, living and spiritual eco-coaching in discovering the Soul of Mount Shasta Wilderness - and over 20 years collaborating with retreat leaders, healers and therapists, I can help you develop and co-facilitate a day or a week that will make your retreat transformative and memorable - as well as into US Forest Service compliance.
“20 years of therapy have never done what you did for me in only two sessions, Michael. You've given me a great gift.”
Molalla, OR
“I finally feel through my Past Life Regression Session with you like I know myself in a way that I never have before.
Thanks, Michael!”
Portland, OR
“Three years later, and I am still taking in and integrating what I experienced in that Rite of Passage with you. It's a gift that keeps on giving”
Portland, Oregon
“1-1/2 hours of EFT work with Michael lifted an eight year long depression for which I had been taking meds”
Gresham, Oregon
My Story

NLP/Neurolinguistic Master Coach & Hypnotherapist
Transformational Wilderness Guide
Rites of Passage Guide
Medicine Wheel Teachings
I have been helping people find their voice, speak their truth, and connect with their heart's vision for over 15 years; and with Rite-of-Passage since 2013.
It has been my honor and good fortune to walk, learn and work between the western world and the Native American world the majority of my adult life with native elders as my teachers and vision-quest guides back to my teens. Intuitively, I incorporate the work and teachings they gifted me to share into my coaching methods, visioneering, ceremonial work and ecotherapy.
Nature has been my true medicine and inspiration all of my life. When I am working there with a client, it's really them and nature doing the work. I'm just the guide who is there to help push the boundaries out of the way to remember the truth of who they are and what we still belong to.
Learn more about me here.
Professional Disclaimer - Michael Chudzik is a certified NLP Master Practitioner and Clinical Hypnotherapist. He is not a licensed doctor or mental health professional. Michael's coaching, spiritual and shamanic or "medicine" work through Vision Path Art's & Consulting is not offered as a substitute for health care with a licensed physician or mental health provider, but as a complementary service.
Federal Wilderness Guide Permit Civil Rights Disclosure -
This business operates under special use permit with the Shasta-Trinity National Forest in accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information(e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible State or local Agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center...
(continued -- Please read this disclosure in the link HERE)
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© 2022 by Michael Chudzik