Michael Chudzik
The Vision Path Mission
Working With You at the Crossroads of Mind and Spirit
The last thing that will happen in Heaven, right before you come to Earth to be born - an angel will put their finger on the cleft of your lip and say,
"Forget everything you know" and then send you on your way.
- African Proverb

Helping You Be the Vision of Your True Self
My Vision that came to me for you more than 50 years ago
Along with Rights-of-Passage and NLP work, why I enjoy working in Past Life Regression Therapy stems from one of the most profound moments of my life that has remained present daily with me since age 5, when one night I experienced the vivid memory of the tragic death of a young Native American and even as a small child in a 1950's Catholic family never having heard of reincarnation, I knew in an instant and told myself out loud that this was how I died in a past life. To this day, as a studier of dreams and Past Life Regression Therapist, I know this was no dream but a vivid memory.
For my whole life, I wondered and asked both myself and Spirit why I had that dream, what was it's purpose?
Yet now, here I am providing people with the profound idea that shifting our lives from a "mind-based" focus of life to a "heart-based" one is what brings us into greater awareness of ourselves as souls who have great wisdom and experiences of other lives.
We are the one and same soul that has traversed time and perhaps even across the Universe in quest of our learning and evolution, and not just our own evolution, but as we experience all that we do in a life - it becomes also the experience of all humanity and God/Great Creator as well.
I believe that this is why we are "made" to begin with:
We are the human experience of God while it is creating it's experience of everything.
That makes you, me and all of us along with All-Our-Relations to life, very special!
My desire is to work with you and others to be able to come to that recognition, and by shifting your point of view from being strictly a "Mind-Thinking Being" living and caught in the matrix that entraps the rest of the Mind-world - to a "Heart-Conscious Being", living from where your soul lives and finally integrating again to be the true, authentic soul - your own True Divine Self - who you came into the world expecting to rediscover it.
It's from here that everything changes!
A Little of My Story ~
Coaching & Consulting Since 1998 ~
1998 ~ Founded Creative Imaging - Seattle, WA
Business startup planning, branding and marketing consultant in the real estate, mortgage and construction industry.
2001-2005 ~ Co-Director/Consultant
Log Hogan Housing Program Navajo Nation, AZ
Construction and program development of a $2.5-million log home factory investment partnership with the Navajo Nation, Northern Arizona University, Grand Canyon Trust, others.
2007 ~ Founded Vision Path Coaching - Portland, OR
Helping individuals and organizations create meaningful, positive and lasting vision and changes in their personal lives, relationships and teams and bringing their Soul Legacy work into the world.
Coaching Training & Credentials -
2007 - Certified NLP Master Practitioner
300 clock hours, graduated under Richard Bandler, founder of Neurolinguistic Programming through Bennett-Stellar University.
2007 - Certified Clincal Ericksonian Hypnotherapist
Bennett-Stellar University
2007 - Reiki Master Certification
Bennett-Stellar University
2009 - Certified EFT Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner
Taught by EFT original developer psychologist Gary Craig
2010 - Certified Practitioner - Psych-K Levels 1 and 2
2014-2017 - Access Consciousness - Bars Facilitator to Master Level
2017 - Past Life Regression Therapy - Certification Level
Taught by Linda Backman - former director of Michael Newton Institute
2018-present - Tantra Counselor - Certification Level in Maha Mudra Tantra
Taught by Shawn Roop - Tantra Quest School, California
As a visioneer/self-starter all my life and having to find my own way from the time I was a child growing up feeling lost within a big family, I had to find ways to support myself and so I began my career as an self-employed entrepreneur at age 12 and have made my own way ever since.
That is why I know exactly what it feels like to get myself unstuck, overcome fear and self-doubt, recover from failures, heal after relationship endings while taking the lessons of each one with me in order to make the next one better, lose 50 pounds, and even keep running a challenging business going during a long bout with depression. The real magic came when I finally learned how to surrender and give myself the love and healing I was always searching for.
That's why I am passionate about what I do. I'm just like the people I have a heart for serving.
I have a always had great respect for science and psychology, while being astounded more and more with the infinite depths of Oneness with the Great Mystery - and continually learning how to open my heart more in profound new ways through meditation, Native American teachers, vision quests, and life.